
Showing posts with the label sustainable earth


  photo source: On an ordinary day. On the sidewalk of an empty highway. Zora stood thinking of her home in a remote village in Africa.  Compared to the city she was in, her village and her home were crowded; richly, she thought.  Her family had cows, sheep, chickens, dogs, and cats.  The mornings like these were never silent there. The cacophony of meows, coos, clucks, bow-wows and moos; thinking of which, a smile appeared on her face. Ah, the smell of those mornings! She mused. She tried to picture in her mind, her favourite dog, Abiba, chasing a chicken. In the car that passed Zora on the highway, was a girl, Chunhua, from China, a medical student, who sat thinking of her forthcoming vacation in Africa.  She closed her eyes and saw a dog chasing a chicken and a girl running after the dog, calling out loud, ‘Abiba, Abiba!”  She was surprised, "I never used to have such strange yet specific thoughts before. Something odd is happening to me."...

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